Meet Doodleturtle!

Hey y'all! I'm Doodleturtle, aka Angie McCord. My mom called me Doodle as a kid and I've always been obsessed with turtles. When the internet became a thing, I wanted anonymity, so I started using the handle Doodleturtle. Of course, I was 16 and it seemed like a good idea at the time! However, it has kind of stuck so I am still going with it. You can also find me on social media as CrossFitAngie.

So who am I? A wife of 20+ years, a mom of 20 years, a middle school teacher for 14 years (retired), and a CrossFit Box Owner of 3 1/2 years, I think I'm pretty smart and funny. And I think that the stuff that runs through my head is so awesome, I have to share. Ok, ok, I'm not really that smart or funny, but I'm probably crazy, and crazy people can be funny, right?

Really, this blog is me sharing the trials, tribulations and accomplishments and random things that come with being a fit 30-something woman. My goal is to let other women know they aren't alone and to motivate them to improve themselves. As moms, wives and employees, we often let other people's needs get ahead of our own. And that's not good! While I'm not advocating women act in a narcissistic, self-serving manner, I do think we need to remember the airplane rule.

Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others with theirs.

And just to give you a little more information about me, here are some things I'm proud to say I've accomplished.

-Married my husband Jeremy when I was 16 and he was 18.

-Had our daughter, Brooke, when I was 17.

-Started college when she was 3 months old.

-Finished college when she was 4 1/2 years years old.

-Taught middle school math and social studies for 14 years.

-Obtained my Master's degree in 2010.

-My husband and I sold nearly everything we owned and went out on a limb to open CrossFit Murray.

-Found my competitive side and started entering CrossFit and Weightlifting competitions (see professional resume page).

-Found a passion for sports performance and physique driven nutrition and started offering online and in-house nutrition coaching.

-Currently running a successful business and marriage! Has a beautiful daughter who is thriving in college and is exceptionally talented in the performing arts!

What's your story? What are you proud of?

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I'm contacting you in regards to a photo you tagged with #mystrongmoment. We are interested in using the photo on the #MyStrongMoment page in the March/April issue.
    Please email me at and I can show you which photo we are asking for permission to publish.
    We will also need a high res image if you have it and any photographer credits that we should publish.

    Thanks, talk soon!
