Friday, July 31, 2015

12 days out...AND IT'S FRIDAY!!

BW 51.8

Love my Fridays! 

One thing that really helps me manage my time and anxiety is to set aside a few minutes each night to plan the next day. I break the day down in time slots and pencil everything in. Then I list to-dos and goals. When I lay down to sleep, I can rest well knowing I am ready to conquer the next day!

I'm a HUGE list maker as well. If it's something I need to do, it goes in my phone on one of my multiple lists. The days of the week lists are things that have to be completed every week on that day.  The "eventually" are things that need to be done, but not today. It's also the place where I list all my crazy light bulb ideas!

This is the start of a light period for me, so training was fast and light. Yay! It was nice to not pant and think I was dying between lifts!

Best thing I came across today:

Not going to lie, this is the best thing I came across today. 

I had a slice for pre-workout. It was not that great, but it was great because, you know, pizza.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have something more profound. 

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

These sales end today!

Perfect for Back To School or a head start on Christmas! Shop here!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

13 days out! Chicken, Dunkin Donuts and Cacti

BW 53.1

Today is a rest day from the weights so I did a bit of yoga and will do mobility work with group classes today. I spent a lot of time working on office stuff today for CFM and Tupperware and spent some time working on a couple of projects.

I also cooked up a batch of crockpot chicken. I live on this stuff! 

Put about 5 pounds of chicken breast in the crock pot along with your favorite seasoning. I like to use a fajita seasoning package or a ranch seasoning packet. Cool on low all day. 

When you and it are ready, shred with two forks or put your hand mixer in it! Divide into appropriate portions for you and freeze. So easy to grab and go! 

If it's not Starbucks, are you below basic? (My teacher friends should enjoy that one, haha!)

Best thing I came across today:

Our local Kroger has all their succulents marked down out front from $1 to $4.99. I LOVE SUCCULENTS and at that price I don't feel to guilty if I kill them. 

"I bought a cactus. A week later it died. And I got depressed because I thought, 'Damn, I am less nurturing than a desert' - Demetri Martin

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

14 days out...

BW 52.7 (This was a complete surprise, see below)

I split my training up last night and finished up around 10 PM with some heavy snatch pulls.


My daughter is living at home this summer and she is 20. She's grown and a very capable adult. And as she pointed out yesterday, I had a 3 year old when I was her age! However, if she is out and about and not home, I don't sleep well. So even though I knew where she was and that she was fine, I was waking up every 30-45 minutes checking my phone for messages from her.


Apparently my body didn't think my PWO (post workout) food choice was enough because I was also hungry every time I woke up. This all leads to her coming in at....

2 AM with me watching The Chew and eating cinnamon raisin bread and peanut butter.

I NEVER have problems sleeping so this was really, really weird for me. And yes, I measured my bread and raisins and entered them in MFP. I will go over on my macros today, but that is ok because it is a conscious decision to listen to my body and nourish it. I did expect the scale to bump up this morning just because I was eating at 2 AM, but it didn't.

I know what calories I need to maintain my weight and what I need to eat to cut weight. Today will be a maintenance/refeed day to recharge my body with extra food and extra carbs. I'll gain a couple of pounds of water probably, but it won't be permanent.

Trained in the shop today and had a good lifting day. Hit some really good percentages and a plan for MWC is developing! The legs felt tired, but just because it was Wednesday. Loved, loved, loved having Jeremy pushing me today! It's always nice when someone tells you "You can do it!"

I'm so thankful Dr. Etherton keeps me straightened out!

Best thing I came across today:
Your fascia completely regenerates itself every 7 months. Your skeleton every 18 months. This has so many implications! First on a physical level, if you are stiff, tight and hurting, start working on that NOW because you can completely remake yourself as a stronger, more flexible and pain free person in just a short time! On a deep, meta-cognitive level, you are literally and physically not the same person you were a year and a half ago! Wow! How's that for encouraging change in yourself! Decide what you want to change and do it!  (Data source: Kelly Starrett

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

15 days out..again.... Hey guess what, I can't count!

BW 53.0

I noticed that I can't count and today is actually 15 days out! Haha! I have found an extra day!

Earlier today I put up a post about commitment and I was kind of ranty in it. But I believe that when you say you'll do something, you do it. You see it through to the end. 

Generally in weightlifting when you register for a meet you are locked into your weight class. I lift as a 53kg and if I'm not 53.0 or less at weigh in, I'm out. No meet for me. This almost happened at Regionals. 

But, I guess because we are old, at the Masters World Cup they will let you bump up a class if you don't make weight. So if I weighed anything over 53.0, no biggie. I'd just move up to the 58kg class. 

To a lot of people, this could test their commitment to their diet.

Today I'm pretty hungry. Not like Friday, but I could eat a lot more than I am today. 

And there's no reason I can't. Except that I committed to the 53kg class. And that's what I'm going to do.

(Ok, I'm really not that noble and hardcore. Truth is, I'd get me ass handed to me in the 58 class!)

And a side note/ lesson on dieting. On rest days you generally decrease your carbs and increase your fats and lower calories overall. In my experience though, my body is so fricking beat up and tired on rest days that I want to Hoover everything! So Sunday I was hungry, but yesterday I wasn't that bad because I had rested on Sunday. After all of yesterday's work, my body is screaming, "Feed me Seymore!"

Lifting Today
Everything felt really good and I worked up to some really heavy lifts. Happy Dance going down! Finished up the day in the shop with some snatch pulls while it stormed.

Best thing I came across today:

Q. When looking at a massive to-do list, what do you do first?

A. The thing that makes you most uncomfortable

From Tim Ferris

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

This post is linked up at 
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Are we all commit-o-phobes?

Carrie: Come on, you wouldn't commit to a nice guy, given the option?

Stanford Blanch: I can't even commit to a long distance carrier.

If you have watched Sex and the City, you've probably seen this episode. But it's not just relationship commitments we have problems with, it's all types of commitments.

A disturbing trend I've noticed the last few years is a lack of commitment. We have a lack of commitment to ourselves and a lack of commitment to others. Why is that? And are we passing it on to our kids?

First, we long ago quit committing to ourselves. We start a diet, we stop a diet. We start to get the house organized, it's trashed in a week. We start exercising, we stop exercising. We quit smoking, we restart smoking.

When did we become a nation of quitters? When did we decide to take the easy route?

Come on guys, where's our never quit spirit? 'MERICA doesn't quit! We commit!

If you sign up for a three day a week membership at our gym, I expect you there three days a week! I know it's easier to just go home after work because you are tired, I know it's easier to convince yourself that you just can't make it today and come up with a billion excuses as to why you not.  But where will that get you? Nowhere. C'mon! Your commitment to yourself and your health and wellness is just as important as anything else.

If you tell me you want to change your diet, don't quit on yourself because it's hard. Yes it is, but you can do it! Commit to small changes. More protein this week. An extra serving of vegetables each day next week.

Secondly, we are no longer committing to others. When we get an invitation, we don't rsvp. When we make plans with others, inevitably, somebody 'no shows' because "something came up." When we click, "make reservation" for a class at the gym, we treat it as a negotiable thing, not a pledge to ourselves, our classmates and our coaches.

When someone asks us if we want to do something Friday night, we respond with a vaque non-committal answer along the lines of, "Well, I'll see. I may be going with so-and-so to the such-and-such, but if that falls through I'll let you know." If we had commitment to each other, this conversation would rarely happen. You would KNOW if you and so-and-so were doing something because you would have committed. Instead, you and so-and-so are demonstrating what experts call "plan shopping"

Plan shopping is the phenomena of holding out on commitment and holding out on making any firm plans in case something (or someone) better comes along. But then this leads us into FOMO.

FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out is when you are afraid to make a plan or commitment because something better might come along after you've committed and you'll be left with the sadder, less fun option. In fact, Huffington Post coined the term Commitment Fomobia!

Oh what a tangled web we weave. 

I saw something floating around on Facebook the other day about a kid having a birthday party at the bouncy house and nobody showing up. Nobody! Now, maybe this kid was a turd and nobody wanted to hang out with him, but the parents of the invitees could have at least rsvp'd that they weren't coming!

And speaking of kids, what is this non-commitment attitude teaching them? If you don't like the way things are going, just quit? Whatever happened to, "You signed up for this, tough it out?"

Parents, if you sign your kids up for sports or a play or music lessons, take them to those practices! They shouldn't be missing practices because something better or random came up. If you can't commit to getting them there, don't sign them up.

Maybe the problem is that we have choice overload. I don't know. It just honestly pisses me off when I watch people let themselves and others down.

I realize this is not my best post ever and it rambles and veers toward rant territory, but I just wanted to sit down and commit to a post on commitment.

What do you think? Are we suffering from  Commitment Fomobia? Why?

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

This post is linked up
grab button for The Fit Foodie MamaFitful Focus

Monday, July 27, 2015

15 days out

BW 53.0

Monday's are my super stacked day so I didn't get much time to record stuff today. I coach morning classes, work on my nutrition coaching clients' weekly check ins, do a lot of office work, coach noon class, lift, then coach afternoon classes. One highlight today was getting these photos!

I get so excited when I see positive changes in my clients!

Lifting today was GREAT and made up for Friday's yuck fest entirely! I hit some heavies and felt strong. Yay! Yay!
Excuse the excessive snatch celebration. It's just been awhile since a heavy snatch felt right. And I have no idea why I was carrying on after that jerk. I'm weird. I did appreciate the, "Looks solid, Dude". 

Best thing I came across today:

A few thoughts from "We Learn Nothing" by Tim Kreider

We say we are busy. 

But are we doing anything?

Are we just running around being busy but accomplishing nothing?

Are we choosing to be busy?

Could we choose differently?

Do the kids have to be scheduled every minute?

Do you have to be doing what you are doing this exact second?


Is our "busy" a self-imposed way to make us feel self important?

Is our "busy" a self-imposed way to keep us from having to be alone with ourselves and our thoughts?

Is our "busy" a self-imposed way to hide our fears?

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I finish this really cool project I am working on! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

16 days day!

BW 53.1

Thank you Oprah! Thank you Tom Cruise! It's rest day!

I made up my TO-DO list today and have been killing it! The creative energy has been flowing and I'm excited about all the cool stuff bouncing around in my head. I've worked on setting some new personal goals and can't wait to watch it all develop.

Lunch! Tuna, veggies, hummus and some Quaker Rice Crackers in Sweet Chili.

Fresh peach warmed in microwave with some Kroger Fat Free Whipped Topping and cinnamon.

Setting up my vitamins for the week. 

On Sunday's I like to chill and not leave the house, unless we are going to the lake! It rained today so I listened to a lot of podcasts while I did laundry, worked on CrossFit Murray stuff, purged items throughout the house and put up peaches. If you don't listen to podcasts, you don't know what you are missing! I love learning and podcasts are a fun way to learn while doing other things! 

Do you drive? You could listen to a podcast while driving.

Do you wash dishes? You could listen then.

Do you have family members watching stupid tv shows you think are ridiculous? Podcasts are perfect for drowning them out!

Now, I would tell you my favorites right now, but I'm working on something cool for people that subscribe to my newsletter, so I'm not talking about my favorites, yet. But if you want to get a jump start on my cool project, do me a favor and subscribe to my email list. Not only will you be able to keep up with all my random thoughts, you'll get first notice when I get this project finished! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! 

This project is one that I hope will enrich your life! It's taking a lot of things I've learned through the years and boiling them down into quickly digestible truths. 

Best thing I came across today:

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose" Robert Burns

Stay strong y'all!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

17 days out

BW 53.1

6:30 AM
Up early today to go to the Murray Mom Expo! I'm meeting people and telling them about CrossFit Murray and Tupperware!

Super cute portable s&p shaker or....

Super cute portable shot glass?

2:00 PM
Just finished up and am really excited about the people I spoke with today! We had a great CrossFit Kids workout and I met some awesome kids and parents!

Now headed home to get my fingers twitching for Heart of America Affiliate Challenge Registration! This is a super elite CrossFit competition that is very limited in the amount of teams allowed to participate. It literally sells out in seconds! We have competed the last two years and had a blast! Fingers crossed as we are trying to get 2 teams in!

HOA7 Here comes CFM!

5:15 PM
BOOMSAUCE! We did it! Super fast fingers results in 2 teams registered! Lol, I thought I was going to chill and get fat after the Masters World Cup. Nope, I'm going to go straight into cardio hell to get ready for this comp!

6:15 PM
Rolling out again to see the Krider Performing Arts Children's Theater's presentation of Shrek. Brooke is the stage manager, costume designer and makeup artist. Can't wait to see her magic!

I do own real clothes and jewelry! Lol, who knew?!

Wait?! There's a gun show??

And I wasn't invited?! No fair! (No worries y'all, the car was parked!)

My amazing, creative, talented baby!

I think I've been there!

8:00 PM
Stopped at McDonald's for a planned hot fudge sundae and the guy loads it up with hot fudge! I'm like "Hell yeah! Thanks iifym gods!" (Because it doesn't count if it's a gift, lol) And as I'm driving away I realize he didn't get the lid on good and it's dumping out ALL OVER ME, MY CAR, all the things. I about cried. Not because of the mess, but because I lost those macros and that yummy fudge.

8:30 PM
Home and fixing to head to the shop to train.

Also got some black at Mcd because tired.

10:00 PM
Finally hitting my jerks I've been missing lately! Timing on cleans was a bit off, but I'm blaming that on the sloped shop floor. 
Worked up to about 90%. 

10:21 PM
Time for a bit of accessory work.


Not too bad of a day! 

Best thing I heard today, from Charles Poliquin

Ask yourself these three questions at the end of each day.

What did you do nice for someone else today?

What did someone do that was nice to you?

What did you learn today?

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list so that you can keep up with all my random thoughts! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! Thanks!

Friday, July 24, 2015

18 days out...

BW 53.7

I'm 18 days out from the International Weightlifting Federation's Masters World Cup and I'm having déjà vu.

I can't hit my snatches.

My jerks suck.

I'm so damn hungry.

I'm crying.

Jeremy has my snot and tears on his shirt.

I'm thinking of pulling out of the meet.

I'm so damn hungry.

And I remember feeling this way before the Arnold too, so I guess this means I'm right where I'm supposed to be. 

At this exact moment I'm staring at a barbell I should be able to lift easily. Let's see....

Well, it was a CrossFit-make, but really it would have been three red. 

Going up in weight anyway. 

I read an article about positive self talk on the platform and asking yourself, "Why can I make this?"  I'm thinking that over right now. (I'll add the link in later). 

Because I've trained for it.
Because my technique is much better than it was.
Because I'm strong.

Here we go. 

A judge with a 7 year old glasses prescription would have given me a white light. 

Going up. 

Because I've worked my ass off for this.
Because I want it.
Because I want to make my family and gym proud. 

Here we go.

(What you can't hear is me saying, "I think I'm gonna pass out. No. Really." after I stand up. )

On that note, I'm going to stop because I have to coach the 3:30 class. I'll finish my lifting at 4:30 and 6:30. And try to not think about food. 

Stay strong y'all!

Do me a favor and subscribe to my email list so that you can keep up with all my random thoughts! I promise not to spam you or sell your information! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Too busy to type!

I've slacked on the blogging front, but it's been because I've been busy AND consciously trying to relax more. Soon I'm going to work on my 2015 Goals, part 2, because I've achieved many I set for 2015 already! This blog is going to be a part of those goals for sure! 

Here's a few videos I've made lately just to keep you in the loop! 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The law of attraction, hating people and The Secret

Lately I've been keeping a very simplistic "mood journal." It's just a note in my phone where each day I make a note of how I feel, what my mood is, whether I'm stressed or happy, whether I'm hangry or anxious or excited. You get the idea.

As a math person, I feel that everything has a pattern and if you can detect the pattern, you have a huge amount of power. As a female, my pattern is probably directly related to my hormonal state, but so far I've  not seen it.  Most of my notes look like this

6/22 happy, but stressed
6/23 I hate people (lol, not you dear reader, just random people in the world that are idiots)
6/24 hungry and I hate everything (still not you, just the people that stand too close to me at the store or take forever to make a right turn)
6/26 everything is good, feel on top of things

**I made these days up so please don't go back and try to see if you interacted with me that day! haha!**

I've not neglected my "Yay Me" journal, it's still going on as well, but this little journal will hopefully allow me to see what my patterns are and see if I can break those patterns to become a more relaxed, less anxious person.

Now here is the problem I've encountered. I just started reading (finally!) "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. And these passages stood out to me.

Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, the law of attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.
Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great things, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced.
When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in the moment summoning what you want with the mightiest power in the Universe. The law of attraction doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no," or any other words of negation. As you speak words of negation, this is what the law of attraction is receiving. 
"I don't want to spill something on this outfit." --"I want to spill something on this outfit and I want to spill more things." 
"I don't want that person to be rude to me." -- "I want that person to be rude to me"
"Don't speak to me like that." -- "I want you to speak to me like that and I want other people to speak to me like that."

So. Do you see my conundrum? Be trying to ascertain a pattern to my distressing thoughts and moods, am I actually making them worse?

Is the fix then to PollyAnna all the time and pretend like everything is perfect? Fake it 'til you make it?

Hopefully as I keep reading "The Secret" those questions will be answered.

Stay strong y'all!

***Affiliate link*** because I am an Amazon Associate they give me a little thank you gift of a few pennies if you shop through my link. The price is the same for you as if you just went to straight to Amazon. Even if you don't want to buy The Secret use my link and buy something you would normally buy, ok? And then I can write in my YMJ that someone shopped through my link and earned me a penny for my thoughts. :)