Full disclosure: I'm a stinky girl. Some girls don't sweat
and they never smell like anything except roses and sunshine. That's not me.
I'm foul. I have to scrub and dub-dub.
I have to apply industrial strength deodorant. I have to sniff test anything I
think about re-wearing without washing. The strange thing is that I don't
really sweat, I just get damp and stagnate. I believe if I did sweat I would
push the stinkies out and they would float away. Instead, they just build up
and create a noxious stank that emanates from my pits. Thankfully, I stay on
top of this and I doubt any of you would realize this truth about me.
Schmidt's Natural
Deodorant, Lavender and Sage. Apparently
thinks I will enjoy it. Normally they are spot on. I lack faith with this one
though. Normal deodorant has a boat load of aluminum chloride that acts as
an antiperspirant to actually plug your sweat glands.
They also have some smell good stuff
that acts as the de-odor part. With Schmidt’s, there is no aluminum chloride,
so you will still sweat, but the product promises to effectively neutralize
odor and absorb wetness.
Day one: I apply the product post shower; heeding the directions
to "gently apply a small amount to underarms" Strike one: I really do
not enjoy the smell of lavender. The sage isn't bad, but the deo sort of smells
like a high end blend of Herbs de Provence. Combine that with my honeysuckle
lotion and men's Escape cologne and I'm a French prostituée eating leftovers from a fancy dinner on a hotel bed.
(Yes, I wear men's cologne).
Workout #1 should be a pretty good test for Shmidty. The
weather is cooler than it’s been being, but as I warm up the box starts to feel
really, overly hot so I turn on a fan. I do a quick pit-sniff and everything is
fine. I lift my arms up and down a few times to test for stickiness and there
is none. So far so good.
WOD #1 is a 10 minute EMOM with burpees, toes to bar, and
OHS. I’m panting and hustling. If I was going to stink and sweat, it should
have started here.
WOD #2 is another 10 minute EMOM of handstand push-ups. After
I’m done, a friend who knows I’m experimenting with this deo, runs up and
sticks her nose in my pits. LOL she pronounces me officially NOT STINKY!
I am not 100% convinced that the Schmidty is that good. I am
assuming it is my 48 hour Right Guard that hasn’t worn off yet. We shall see.
PM: Shower and apply Lav & Sage before bed
Day 2:
AM-I get up and head to work to coach and workout. I haven’t
applied any more deo since last night’s shower. Workout #1 for me is some
lifting and mobility work. Nothing overly strenuous and I do not sweat or
Midday- Take shower, apply Lav and Sage and head to a
routine Dr. appointment. I don’t know about you guys, but every time I go the
doctor I get a little nervous and my body acts like I’m about to enter enemy
territory. My internal temp goes up, my BP gets a bit higher and my pulse
quickens. Research shows stress sweat is stinkier than physical activity sweat
due to the increase in cortisol and endorphins being released. This appointment
should really test the product and SURPRISE! I leave the appointment and still
smell like a French whore! (Which is a good thing in my case, remember?)
PM- Workout #2 is a high rep barbell workout. As I am
warming up, I can smell the garlic on my hands that I chopped at lunch which
makes me thing, “Hmmmm…lavender, sage and garlic….I smell like a pork chop!”
(It’s always about food)
At this point I am starting to lose some skepticism and
think maybe this stuff actually works….
Day 3:
My rest day! YAY! Since I don’t go into work until later
today, I focused on taking care of some housekeeping. No shower or extra deo,
just starting working. I also did Romwod outside in the beautiful sun and can
say I did not stink! That’s 24+ hours after the last application!
I took a shower before heading into work and was still
pretty hot when I put Schmidty on. I wasn’t stinky, but I did feel damp under
the pits all day long. I know the product said it would absorb wetness, but
where, exactly would the wetness go when the product absorbed it? It is still
going to be under my armpits, right? I keep thinking of soggy diapers…..
That evening I noticed my pits were kind of itchy.
Day 4:
AM-Get up, shower, apply Lavender and head to work. Notice
again that I am damp under the armpits and it isn’t going away. It’s really hot
outside today and this is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, so no big
surprise there. I am, however, still feeling some itching and now I get to add
in some burning. That is not cool. As much as I pretend that I am a complete
bad ass, my skin is kind of a sissy so I’m not sure it’s liking what is going
PM- Amazingly, I still smell fresh as a daisy, but the
slight itching and burning is becoming more pronounced and I have red whelps in
my pits. Really.not.cool. I don’t know if I’m allergic to something in the
deodorant or just the constant dampness is irritating my sensitive skin.
I take a shower and go to bed without deo of any kind to let
me pits breathe a bit.
Day 5:
AM: It’s Saturday! Once I got to the gym I realized I had
never put on deodorant at all this morning so I used the Lady’s Speed Stick I
keep at the gym. The itching and burning is gone, mercifully. And I keep
noticing throughout the day that pits are dry as a bone. That’s a really,
really, really good feeling. Score one for antiperspirant.
Day 6:
Once I get out of the shower, I look at the Schmidty and
ponder whether to try again. I love the idea of a natural deodorant, but the
moistness in my pits when I use it is really aggravating/distracting/gross/odd.
And since I’m not sure if I’m allergic to it or not, I decide not to experiment
any further and grab my old anti-perspirant/deo and cake it on.
Here’s my official review of this product. It is a great
option if you want to go natural and avoid aluminum chloride. I was NEVER
stinky and I worked out 4 of the 4 days I used it. I even made it through a
doctor’s appointment that would normally make me very stinky from the stress.
However, I just couldn’t get over the wet pits that stemmed
from it being a deodorant only. Apparently, neither could my pits as they
rashed out in protest. I’ll hang on to this product and try it again in the
fall/winter when it’s not 100% humidity and heat and see if that makes a
If you are looking to try something natural, I would
recommend you try
Schmidt’s. They have
different varieties if Lavender and Sage isn’t your jam. I think the
Bergamot and Lime sounds divine!
I shared my thoughts with Schmidt's and they were super nice with their response and offered to exchange my product for another one.
Thanks for sharing the Schmidt's love! After reading your blog post I wanted to share some tips and tricks to better your Schmidt's experience. Some report a temporary transition during which they may experience more odor and wetness while the body releases fluids previously blocked by aluminum in the sweat glands. Not sure if this is the case for you, but it might be that you'll notice increased effectiveness after giving it some time to "kick in." Also, I do have one pro tip for you: try holding it under your arm momentarily to soften upon contact with body heat--this is the perfect time for maximum absorption so it should give you a little extra boost.
By the way, we also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, we'll always be happy to set you up with an exchange so you can try one of our other products. Our Charcoal + Magnesium deo combines some of our most effective ingredients into a single formula! You’ll find adsorbent charcoal, magnesium, and odor neutralizing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) all in the same smooth deo. Find out why this innovative deo is shaking things up on our blog: https://schmidtsnaturals.com/care/charcoal-magnesium-schmidts-best-formula-ever
Wow! What great customer service!
Strong Y'all!
And if you are hip on the social
Follow me on Facebook at Angie McCord,
Fitness, Nutrition and Life Improvement.
Follow me out on Instagram, I'm doodleturtle. I'm
even more random fun over at IG!
**I am not receiving any compensation for my review of this
product. The opinions are 100% my own. That said, if you do decide to shop
through the links above, Amazon gives me a few pennies to thank you for referring
you. And if you subscribe to Birchbox using my link above, I get $5 to spend in
their store.