Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekly goals!

I have big yearly goals that always drive my days, but sometimes those goals are too big to be relevant every, single day. So most weeks I set weekly goals as well. Here are this week's...

1) Row a 500 every training day (I hate to warm up, this forces me to start)
2) Stretch at least 5 minutes every training day (easy for me to slack on)
3) Focus on thoracic stretching specifically for 2-3 minutes
4) Drink one water between every non-water beverages (I love coffee and Monster)
5) 25 snatch drills each training day
6) Get more calcium! (I don't really worry about my calcium b/c I lift so much, but I've been slacking on my greens and that is a GREAT way to get calcium)

Numbers 1-3 are a repeat of last weeks and I did them all but one day. Saturday slipped by me, oops!

I'll do them again this week (and the next) until it's autopilot.

4 & 5 are new this week and I'm super excited about them both, not.

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